Monday, January 13, 2014

Digital Artists and Designers

I do have to start this post off by admitting that I am not very familiar with many different graphic designers/ logo designers/ or digital artists. So for my first artist of inspiration I am going with an artist who doesn't quite fit into those categories but is definitely an inspiration for my creative flow: Dr. Suess. I always have had a really strong connection with Dr. Suess growing up (We share a birthday) But as i've gotten older I have gained a larger appreciation for his art. He has this certain stylistic quality in his work that I just find to be so mesmerizing and interesting. Although many of his more famous works are children's works he has quite a larger range of works that many people are unfamiliar with.

Second, one of my favorite digital artists is Odwin Rensen, he has a large collection of both oil paintings as well as digital paintings. His digital paintings are very well detailed and realistic looking. A lot of his digital paintings have some very similar styles such as a realistic person and a more playful background which differentiates from some of his other work.

A designer who I look up to on a more well known scale would have to be Paul Rand. He has designed quite a few different well known logos which I have below. Many of the logos he was worked on are logos that many of us use and see in our everyday life, and most people couldn't even name who created them.

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