Thursday, March 28, 2013

3D Sculpture

obj Catch art 1070

First off I would like to say that this weeks assignment was VERY Cool! I really enjoyed working with this website although it was very difficult to understand and navigate. Working on a Mac I found it was very difficult since all of the tutorial videos showed it in the downloaded program on a PC. I took the pictures on my sisters iphone and edited it on my computer. Every time i went on to edit it, my object would never fully load. So it was very difficult to work with. I think if the website fixed a lot of these issues it would be much simpler and more enjoyable to use. It also was confusing me because whenever i would look at it in my projects it would show only 3 of the 40 pictures and I couldn't figure out how to stitch them in like the tutorial showed because it showed it in the PC download. I really wish I could've figured out how to get it to work better but I still am very happy with the way my object turned out and still think it's a cool website to use in the future!

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