Sunday, March 3, 2013

For this video, I actually really enjoyed it once I figured out what exactly I was doing. I really like the first half of my video, and not much of the second half. I think the video clips really go well with the song. I'm interested to see how other students interpreted this assignment. I think a lot of the video clips that I choose are really funny and interesting and combined it makes a very interesting composition. 78 I choose video clips from a little girl dancing, some old Betty Boop footage, a documentary on bananas, and some mario footage. I choose these videos because they're really random and all completely different. I made my video in iMovie and other than the clips I just put a simple cross dissolve between them. If I had to change anything it would be the second half, I wish i would've been able to come up with ideas for different video clips, and I think that was the hardest part of the video. Overall I learned to have more respect for people that do create mashups!

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