Thursday, March 28, 2013

3D Sculpture

obj Catch art 1070

First off I would like to say that this weeks assignment was VERY Cool! I really enjoyed working with this website although it was very difficult to understand and navigate. Working on a Mac I found it was very difficult since all of the tutorial videos showed it in the downloaded program on a PC. I took the pictures on my sisters iphone and edited it on my computer. Every time i went on to edit it, my object would never fully load. So it was very difficult to work with. I think if the website fixed a lot of these issues it would be much simpler and more enjoyable to use. It also was confusing me because whenever i would look at it in my projects it would show only 3 of the 40 pictures and I couldn't figure out how to stitch them in like the tutorial showed because it showed it in the PC download. I really wish I could've figured out how to get it to work better but I still am very happy with the way my object turned out and still think it's a cool website to use in the future!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


For my first logo my thought process was to create something simple and effective. Something that gets my name across along with what I  "call myself". Both of these logos I created in black and white so that the color of the logo wouldn't take away from the ideas behind them. My Second logo is my signature with those fancy parentheses around it. The purpose of the parentheses are to contain my signature so that it doesn't get lost on the page. If I had to choose of one of the two I would choose the first one mainly because it's more functional and I like the way it looks more than the second one. I also think the first one has a good balance of light and dark compared to the second. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I enjoyed Scribbler Too so much better than the original scribbler! For one I thought it was a lot easier to navigate and to figure out how to use. I also liked being able to upload a image to draw over. I really like the way my fish turned out. I also can imagine using this website in the future for projects that need a certain sketchy quality about them. The image where we had to portray volume was a little more difficult for me, but I still like the way that it looks. To me It looks like ribbon twirling around. This so far as been one of my favorite assignments that we've done. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Scribbler is a very interesting website to work with. For one: It takes a little bit of time to get used to how the settings work and how to manipulate your lines. I'm pretty happy with how these two images turned out. I wish I could've gotten them to look like the two you showed as examples. But I am still just getting used to the website. I hope in Scribbler Too I'll be able to adjust the look of the image a little more easily than in the original scribbler. I also really enjoy how the image generated looks like a drawing but without actually having to draw it since drawing is not my forte!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

For this video, I actually really enjoyed it once I figured out what exactly I was doing. I really like the first half of my video, and not much of the second half. I think the video clips really go well with the song. I'm interested to see how other students interpreted this assignment. I think a lot of the video clips that I choose are really funny and interesting and combined it makes a very interesting composition. 78 I choose video clips from a little girl dancing, some old Betty Boop footage, a documentary on bananas, and some mario footage. I choose these videos because they're really random and all completely different. I made my video in iMovie and other than the clips I just put a simple cross dissolve between them. If I had to change anything it would be the second half, I wish i would've been able to come up with ideas for different video clips, and I think that was the hardest part of the video. Overall I learned to have more respect for people that do create mashups!