Thursday, February 13, 2014

How to Choose a Typeface

Upon being shown this article at Smashing Magazine on the correct and incorrect way to choose a typeface I know have a better understanding on the technical side of choosing the correct type. I believe that I have always had a knack for choosing typefaces, i've been taught the proper way to choose since my junior year of high school. I have taken that knowledge and expanded it over the years and still use those techniques everyday at my job, and full time with my career choice. This article helped kind of map out and explain why you do or do not want to use a serif or sans-serif typeface. These are things i've known how to do, but have never really read anything that is so accurate and simple on the do's and don'ts of using text. 138 Another aspect of this article that I found to be really useful even at an experienced level working with type, was the fact that the article compared the right ways to use type right next to the wrong ways. It helps get their message across and helps show individuals who have never worked with type before what to look for when working with type, Since let's face it most of us are gonna be visual learners here! :)

^Here is a link the the article I am referring to in this post!^

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