Sunday, April 28, 2013

Well, It's hard to believe that this semester is over. Heck it's hard to believe that I'm going to be a junior!
Out of all my classes this semester I think this one was the most beneficial for me. I learned a lot of really cool new sites and programs to use along with techniques and different ways to showcase your work. I think the part about this site I enjoyed the most was these last few weeks where we created our websites. I think that it's so important for an artist to have a way to showcase their work and since everything is practically web based this is a very important skill to have. I think going week to week in this class it was hard for me to see the overall picture of my work that I created and how this would all look together, but once we put everything together on the website I really think it completed the class. Looking at everybody's site and how we all took the different projects and each did a unique thing with them I think makes it look like we all have a type of variety and uniqueness to our work.

Overall I really enjoyed this class and was glad I took it, I found out a few weeks in that I most likely could've been opted out of this class. But am very happy I stuck with it. I still learned a lot and feel that I've taken a lot away from this class. I would definitely recommend taking this class online rather than in the classroom because I think it's important to do all of this online, where your not visually watching the professor and other students around you. Since it's a digital media class, I think taking it online is an important aspect of the class. With that being said I think Phoebe was an excellent instructor and no i'm not just trying to be a kiss-ass. She was very understand with technical difficulties, which I think we all had at some point during the semester, and was very good at communicating with us what was expected. I really enjoyed that class and learned a lot from it. I can't wait to see what else I learn now that i'm starting to really get into my major! If this was just a taste, then I like what i'm tasting! (that was cheesy, sorry)


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