Thursday, October 9, 2014


From what I could understand from the article, Psychegeography is a type of map that is based on the emotions and behaviors of the individuals. Or maybe it's like an interactive map? I am sort of able to understand what exactly Psychegeography is but I am having a difficult time understanding how exactly it is used. I see that it is a type of map, but thats about it! The Wikipedia article isn't very helpful.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

first experience with GIFs!

Below is my first experience working with GIFs. This is something that is frustrating at first but then becomes enjoyable once you understand the basic workings of it. The first one is with a photographic image, and the second was with vector images.

Input from Critique

From the critique on Tuesday here is the feedback that I got to help my website:

1. Word Spacing in navigation
2. Finish my resume and about me page
3. Make navigation and top logo larger than width of images
4. rework gallery - something I want to change
5. add bottom navigation bar - name email phone etc.