Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

In the article The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction the author Walter Benjamin talks about how in a time with such great technical advances, the reproduction of works is becoming greater and greater. I found this article very difficult and dry to read. I feel that the author jumps around a lot and I found the article not only be lacking interest but lacking emotion as well.
What I got out of the article was that in this time where computers are in our pockets it is very easy to copy  and "trace" over images. With all the technology around us people are lacking the need for the skills and techniques that Art is based off of. I think the article had really good information, I just think it could be presented in a more interesting way!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Website and Idea Sketches

Attached below are some really rough sketch ideas that I have developed for my future website. I like ideas that are clean and organized. It was hard for me to sketch and visualize how the website will look via the sketch since a website has a lot of different components and links.

Below is my link Layout that I plan on using for my website!